A Global Guide to Making an IMPACT!

This Global Guide will provide you resources and information regarding global opportunities to start you on your journey of having a Global Impact.

Stephanie M. Johnson is a participant in the 2022-2023 Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (Fulbright TGC), a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by IREX.

This website is not an official U. S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the participant’s own and do not represent the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, the U. S. Department of State, or IREX.

About: My Global Journey


Hi, My name is Stephanie M. Johnson. I am a reading interventionist in Columbia, SC.

I would like to share my journey about my travels as an educator and provide you a global guide to do the same.

I was born and raised in a small, rural city;Sumter, SC. But I knew there was a larger world out there because my elementary school was located outside of an United States air-force base. My classmates were from different cultures and backgrounds. I grew up with some understanding of the larger world, but I wanted to develop a greater understanding.

My first trip abroad was to Sierra-Leone, West Africa on a Fulbright Hays Abroad Fellowship. I cried and I cried when I initially left. Can you believe it was for one-month? I cried not because I did not want to go, but because it was something that was unknown. Because I grew up sheltered, I did not develop much of an understanding of myself. It was not until I became an adult and moved out on my own, that I was able to learn more about the world. Travel has been one of my best teachers. The more I was able to learn and understand the world, the more I was able to understand myself; not just as an individual, but as a professional as well.

I think it is extremely important that we continue to grow as individuals and professionals. There is not just one-way to view anything; so it is important that we respect and understand diverse perspectives and teach children to do the same.

At the end of 2022-2023 school year, I was notified that I was selected to receive the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Fellowship Award. Most of the information in this Global Guide was collected and compiled after completing the first two components of the Fulbright TGC Fellowship, an intensive ten-week course and the Global Education Symposium in Washington, D.C. The final component of my Fulbright TGC Fellowship occurred in June of 2023 during my International Field Experience in Uruguay, South America.

New learnings, diverse perspectives all begin with family and community involvement. The Fulbright experiences have played a strong role in my understanding of family and community. I was always that if you would like to change the world for the better, begin at home. I hope that this guide assist in you in your journeys.

Global Guide

This global guide offers educators and students a variety of resources that they will be able to use in and out the classroom. The guide is divided into three main categories: Study, Teach, and Travel. Each category lists a unique set of global education materials, tools, and resources. Some tools can be used by students, while other tools are better suited for teachers. Many resources in the guide may be used by both groups. In addition to offering information about resources that help facilitate global competence, the guide also includes my international travel to Uruguay, South America through the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms.

Global Guide Categories

  • Study

  • Teach

  • Travel



    Flip is a free app from Microsoft where educators can create online groups for students where they can express ideas short videos, texts, and audio messages in a safe and secure way.


    Through pictures and videos, Instagram allows students and educators to learn more about each others’ cultures, environments, and lifestyles. It is a great communication tool.


    Mentimeter allows you to have an immediate connection with your audience, making them a part of your presentation. It allows you to create an interactive presentation that allows you to vote, ask questions.


    When you embark upon your global journey, Trip Advisor provides opportunities to receive travel advice on hotel stays, gourmet restaurants to dine, and adventurous activities for enjoyment.


    Traveling is enjoyable, but can also be challenging if you are not organized. Google, part of the Google Workspace allows you a secure place to get organized, sharing documents, agendas, and details of your travel that you can easily be shared with individuals across the world.


    International travel does not always provide you international opportunities that is convenient to communicating with family and friends. WhatsApp is a free app that allows you to stay in contact with family and friends.

Global Education Assessment Tools

Developing Global Competence all begins with a journey. These assessment tools can provide you an opportunity to assess where you are in you individual journey, your journey as an educator, and journey for you students. Global education can be described as the type of education that provides students with skills that help them understand their connection with communities around the world. This may involve a basic understanding of different languages, geography, and cultural expressions. Global education includes 4 basic global competencies:

The Global paradigm allows you to analyze you thinking in terms of how you can see yourself in the world.


Global Education 4 Basic Competencies.

  1. Investigating the World.

  2. Recognizing Perspectives

  3. Communicating Ideas

  4. Taking Action

Frequently Asked Questions.

(1) How does the globally competent student investigate the world? The globally competent student is able to investigate the world by identifying challenges, generating meaningful questions about issues, and giving thorough explanations. (2) How does the globally competent student develop perspectives? The globally competent student is able to develop perspectives by recognizing the perspectives of others, examining and expressing his or her own perspectives, and explaining the influence of culture. (3) How does the globally competent student communicate ideas? The globally competent student communicates ideas by recognizing and expressing the perspectives of others, communicating with diverse groups, and efficiently using technology to communicate with others. (4) How does the globally competent student take action?  The globally competent student takes action by creating ways to help others, weighing options and creating action plans, and collaborating with others when taking action.


In 2015, a group of world leaders agreed to develop 17 Global Goals. These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change. These goals allows educators to reflect on which goals they are making progress toward.

  • https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/

  • https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/student-resources/

  • https://en.unesco.org/themes/education/sdgs/material

  • https://earth.google.com/web/

  • https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/student-resources/



    Fulbright Teacher Exchange participants equip their students with skills to successfully engage with the world by bringing an international perspective to U.S. schools. Each year FTE sends nearly 120 educators from across the United States to participate in programs abroad from two weeks to six months.


    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.


    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.





Start where you are to open a world of possibilities.
— Stephanie M. Johnson


  • DAY 1

    Day 1~ Sunday June 4, 2023

    Today was just a little challenging, but I made it. I left Columbia, SC at 3:54pm on June 4, 2023 and arrived to Uruguay on June 5, 2023. I almost missed my connecting flight from São Paulo, Brazil, but through God’s grace and calmness, I made it. Arriving in Uruguay, South America feels like a dream. I have worked my entire life to unite people and their experiences, to help bring about positive change and to be provided the opportunity is surreal. We arrived at our hotel in enough time to prepare for dinner. I learned about the different meats, vegetables, and desserts that the country specializes in. Dulce De Leche is a common dessert that I am trying not to indulge in too much, but it is delicious! I was able to reunite with my cohort and have rich conversations about our experiences being teacher leaders. I look forward to tomorrow and continued opportunities for learning, growth, and awareness. Importantly, I cannot wait to share my experiences with my peers and students. #fulbright #fulbrightteachersforglobalclassrooms #uruguay #globalization #globalawareness #diversity

  • DAY 2

    Day 2~Monday, June 5, 2023

    I started my day waking up exactly the same time of a regular work day, 5:00am! The time difference from South Carolina to Uruguay is only 1 hour. I decided to take it all in. I cannot believe I was awakening to the sunrise in South America. It was beautiful and breathtaking. I was able to have meditation with God.

    I ate breakfast, which was filled with gourmet breads, fresh vegetables and meats, and what we would consider desserts. I guess this is the one time we can tell children it is okay to have dessert for breakfast.

    The day was spent learning about the education systems and greetings from the US Embassy, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, IREX, Uruguay Ministry of Education, Leaders from the Technological University of Uruguay, Council of National Policy, National Administration of Public Education, Department of Second Languages in Elementary Education, Remote English Language Program, and Private public Initiatives for Diverse Population. It was a bit challenging to understand the native language of Spanish, for I am not fluent, but I could comprehend bits and pieces.

    As you can see we learned a lot surrounding policy and programs. I am interested in researching how Uruguay has 98% of their students being literate and does it correlate to grade level proficiency.

  • DAY 3

    Day 3~Tuesday, June 6, 2023

    I know I am out of order in terms days of posting my blog. But I want to share that I am beyond blessed to be a part of this experience with the Fulbright for Global Teachers Award Program. We visited the Escuela Tecnica “Domingo Arena” today. The school, students, teachers, and staff were so excited to see us. This is one of the best welcomes I’ve had in my life! Of course my camera was with me and students were readily available for pictures and I was ready to capture their individuality and culture. First, there was a tour of the school. Then we participated in a lecture from leadership. I learned about the demographics of the school and their intention concerning families and parental involvement. Last, the staff and students worked together to prepare lunch for us!

    I knew I would love being here in Uruguay because it has always been a dream to visit South America. As an English Literature major in college, some of my classes involved the study of the Spanish culture. The hospitality and support from staff was beyond anything I could ask for.

    We then traveled to Casona de Políticas Lingüísticas. I learned about the the country’s policies regarding educational and its attentiveness to student hearing needs.

    After visiting with the technical school, we were able to visit a rural school that demonstrated competencies in their country’s performance standards through presentations that the students prepared before hand.

    I have been told that I have a strong accent and have a voice that encourages people to stay calm. I am truly thankful for this day and there is more to come. Lesson for the day: we are not as different as we think we are. My focus: to continue to be a leader that ensures everyone has the opportunity to have the same rich experience that they rightfully should have.

  • DAY 4

    Day 4~Wednesday, June 7, 2023

    We started the day eating our breakfast as usual and preparing to

    visit Maldonado, Uruguay. The bus station and travel from the bus station was similar to any other bus station in the United States. The ride was peaceful and enlightening. Sometimes just sitting back and observing provides you enough information needed to reflect on things that truly matter. We arrived in Maldonado around 11:40am and was met by our host teacher Nicholas. He prepared us for our trip to our hotel. We settled in our hotel and proceeded to get lunch at a local pizzeria before heading off to our host teachers’ school.

    We were able to visit with our host teachers school.

  • DAY 5

    Day 5~ Friday, June 9, 2023

    We started our day at Escuela Numero Cincuenta where we were able to meet up with our host Florencia. We were able to share where we were from. We even had a student teacher to accompany us to help translate. Students made goodies for us and we had the opportunity to listen to individual presentations they created for us. Overall, we enjoyed a beautiful day.

  • DAY 6

    Day 6- Saturday, June 10, 2023

    We were able to spend the morning of attending a PD at Nicholas’ school. I was in awe of the dedication that I witnessed among the teachers there at the school. The PD was composed of teachers from all over the area. Some even drove about three hours.

    We concluded the day by having some time walking along the beach. I saw some recently hatched turtle eggs. I also saw sea lions. It was a unique experience because it was my first time seeing a sea lion up close. It was fun until the lion actually decided that it would get out of the water to say hello. We took plenty of pictures and was able to visit a sculpture by a famous artist, Los Dedos.

  • DAY 7

    Day 7~Sunday, June 11, 2023

    Today was one of the best days I have ever had. I often pinch myself and think about how lucky I am to be in receipt of God’s Blessings. Today we were invited to one of our host teacher’s Nicholás Campón’s birthday celebration with his family, along with our other host, Simone. It did not disappoint. Nicholas has been one of the best hosts that anyone could ask for. We were greeted by his family as if we knew each other for years. Our menu included steak, olives, cheeses, and a variety of breads. Nicholás’ passion and dedication towards family and community is evident in his work. I so grateful to witness the spirit, passion, and dedication of the Uruguay Community.

    We concluded the day by taking a walk along the beach of Uruguay for a couple of miles; reflecting and watching the World Cup! Uruguay won! How wonderful to be in the city represented in the World Cup! I could not have asked for a better opportunity. I am thankful for Fulbright and the wonderful group of Fulbrighters in Uruguay, I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the past few days.

  • DAY 8

    Day 8-Monday, June 12, 2023

    Today we went to do and visit a high school. I am an elementary and early childhood certified teacher, so being in a high school was very different for me.

    The students were so happy and grateful for our visit. I was able to see a biology and English class. I was also able to get some questions answered surrounding my guiding travel question.

    The afternoon of Day 8 took us to an affluent, private high school. The uniqueness about this high school was that it had classrooms that were made out of tents. From the outside you would not think that these tents were big, but they actually were! I was more than impressed; especially when you see a huge airplane on the playground.

  • DAY 9

    Day 9~Tuesday, June 13, 2023

    Today we visited a school that was at least two hours away from Maldonado. It was a rural school. What made this rural school special for me was the fact that it was similar to how I grew up. The school was a one-room classroom school. They heated by firewood. The community would prepare the firewood for the students. There were chickens and hens that were running around. The view of the landscape was breathtaking.

    The teacher assistant prepared home cooked meals for the students. Books were donated from the community. The children were very engaged and even prepared a song and performance for us.

    We then traveled to an all-girl boarding school on a farm. When we arrived, the students were so excited to see us. I admired the dedication and work ethic of the staff. I learned there were two principals; one during the day and one at night. The school cook was a former student. I even received the opportunity to learn about Pinocchio, the schools’ resident donkey. There were sheep, rabbits, and hens all running around. This was one of the highlights of my T travels to Uruguay. I felt so much a peace. I am also wondering why did I feel so much at ease.

  • DAY 10

    Day 10~Wednesday, June 14, 2023

    This was our last day in Maldonado. My colleagues and I presented on our schools and work in our school communities. We learned that it takes four years to become certified as a teacher in Uruguay. We topped off our day with an evening meal in the city. I ate Sushi. It was delicious.

  • DAY 11

    Day 11 ~Thursday, June 15, 2023

    We reunited with our entire group in Montevideo! We arrived around noon. I was so happy to see my colleagues! We spent the afternoon catching up and reflecting on our group experiences in our individual Provinces. We also took time to prepare for group presentations the next day. After a brief break, we prepared to a cafe where we were able to have a snack before we saw a Spanish version of Sleeping Beauty. It was breath-taking.

  • DAY 12

    Day 12 ~Friday, June 16, 2023

    Today was bittersweet, but I was also humbled. All of the teachers who participated as hosts in our individual trips to the Provinces joined us for a final dinner as a group. I was more than honored. The relationships that were formed has created a forever family of inspiring educators.

  • DAY 13-14

    Day 13-14~ June 16-17, 2023

    Over the next two days were spent traveling to my next destination and reflecting upon the awesome experience that was provided to me by the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program


Guiding Questions.  During my journey with the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms program, I had two guiding questions: How are the needs of struggling readers met?  How is Literacy incorporated in all subjects?  From my observations of the various school sites that we were able to visit, literacy, and what we would consider English Language Arts in America, was evident in each teacher’s schedule of instruction. In the United States we are provided various resources to conduct small group instruction through leveled texts and to meet the needs of struggling readers. We are also provided with assessments that assist us in identifying students’ instructional levels and additional resources to pinpoint areas of need. We are also provided with specific resources that assist in accelerating students to be on grade-level. At the school sites I was able to visit in the country of Uruguay, I did not see leveled texts. However, on my first day in the country, it was presented that the country has a 98% literacy rate, but the literacy rate did not mean that students specifically were on their particular reading level. It is my hope to continue to research my guiding questions and look for ways and resources I could provide to continue to support students in the area of literacy.